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"家後"- 鄭進一,蔡幸娟 / "家後"- 江蕙 (閩南語)


2011-02-20 ~ 2011-02-26 AM 09:20.
Beethoven 5th Piano Concerto "Emperor" 2nd Mvmt.
SILK - Love Theme Ⅱ by Ryuichi Sakamoto.
Dulce Pontes Sings "Amor a Portugal "
Andrea Bocelli and Dulce Pontes, "O Mare e Tu"
Dulce Pontes - " Lagrima "
Dulce Pontes & Ennio Morricone -" Amàlia Por Amor"
Dulce Pontes, Carel Kraayenhof and Ennio Morricone - Antiga Palavra
FREDERIC DELARUE - "Heart Illumination "
HD Time Lapse Footage (timelapse) -" Landscape ( Nature ) "
HD: Arctic Melt Time Lapse - Nature's Great Events: The Great Melt - BBC One
Nature Time Lapse 1 -微速度撮影動画まとめ1
Nature Time Lapse 2 -微速度撮影動画まとめ2- (HD 720p)
Time Lapse Sunrise -台風一過の夜明け- (HD 720p)
Geminids Meteor Shower 2010 -双子座流星群- Timelapse
Time Lapse ふたご座流星群 2009 静岡県熱海市 微速度撮影
ふたご座流星群2009 / 鹿児島県霧島市
Timelapse 微速度撮影 【夜空と天の川
Time Lapse - 微速度撮影『星たちの軌跡』HD720p
Time Lapse - 微速度撮影『夕焼け沈み行く月』HD720p
Timelapse 微速度撮影 <焼津港> ミニチュア風 - 42 sec. Only
ペールギュント 朝 / グリーグ ・ 富士山 1  天鵝湖交響曲

民謠傳頌篇Ballad -"
Special Ballads - Romanian artist Stefan Hrusca"-Silent Poet's Ballad.
-"Sakura - Japanese Folk Music"-Silent Poet's Ballad.

柿田川湧水群-静岡県清水町にある柿田川公園 二胡演奏: Chen Min
"蘇州夜曲" 二胡演奏:張濱(チャンビン、Zhang Bin)
"蘇州夜曲" 二重唱
"蘇州夜曲" 胡美芳 (中日雙語)
"蘇州夜曲" - 李香蘭(原唱)
"夜來香"- 李香蘭(原唱)
"秋水長天" - 王芷蕾.
"葬心"-黃鶯鶯 Tracy Huang .
"家後"-曹雅雯 .
"家後"- 鄭進一,蔡幸娟 .
"夜來香" - 张燕(超清晰MV) .
"天涯歌女" - 张燕 (超清晰MV)
"月圆花好"-童丽Tong Li
"在那遥远的地方"-童丽Tong Li.
"雪山盟"-童丽Tong Li.
"月光小夜曲"-童丽Tong Li.
"月满西楼"-童丽Tong Li.
"春江花月夜"-童丽Tong Li. -".
秋水伊人 -李谷一"-Singer 宋祖英.
"孟姜女"-童丽Tong Li .
"小河淌水" (Flowing Stream)-宋祖英 (Song Zuying)
"远情"-谭晶 Tanjing,Singer. 趙季平,Composer.
"化蝶 The Butterfly Lovers"-谭晶 Tanjing ,《梁祝協奏曲》: "Shaham" Rendition
, , ,非媒體-香蕉日報-聆聽細琢小提琴演奏家Gil Shaham,
"訴衷情"-周璇 Zhou Xuan,
"初一到十五"- 劉韻
"月圓花好"- 周璇,
"綠島小夜曲"- 紫薇,
"回想曲"- 紫薇,
"春雷"- 紫薇 ,

San Candido - Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Alta Pusteria .
"Bellezze del Gargano"- Puglia - Italia.
"Dobbiaco / Toblach "-Provincia autonoma di Bolzano - Italia

"Montecarlo"- Principato di Monaco
"Pisa" - Italy
"The Moldau" - Smetana : My Fatherland
"Due tramonti"- Ludovico Einaudi
Trio Piano (三鋼琴演奏)- Billy Taylor, Duke Ellington and Willie the Lion.
JAZZ Trumpet "What a Wonderful World."Louis Armstrong.
Jazz Piano-Oscar Peterson.

"Rachmaninov's Vocalise Op.34 No.14", Cello and Piano.

現代音樂 Contemporary music
"Luce dei miei occhi"- Ludovico Einaudi .
"A River Flows In You"- Yiruma .
"Nuvole Bianche"- Ludovico Einaudi.
"Divenire"- Ludovico Einaudi.
"Passaggio"- Ludovico Einaudi.
"Oltremare"- Ludovico Einaudi.

"Sad Cello Melody" Composed By Rosmanczyk.
"If You Are My Love" Composed By Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles.

"Sad cello piece 2" - AtemiRaven 未完成實驗作品.
"Meditation" - Jules Massenet.
"Meditation" Guitar Cello - Relaxing實驗作品.

"Meditation - Jules Massenet " - James Galway, Flute.
"A Scottish river in winter" - James Galway, Flute..
"A Time For Farewell" - Cleo Laine with James Galway, Flute...
" If " - Jazz Singer Cleo Laine with James Galway, Guitar.
" If -原唱Bread "
"Windflowers" Rendition 1.The Wynners. Rendition 2. Seals and Crofts (原唱)

"Till Tomorrow" - Don Mclean.
"Starry Starry Night" - Don Mclean.
作曲家-詩人歌手-"Don Mclean". 媲美名畫風範『梵谷』Vincent Van Gogh.

"River of Dreams" performed by Hayley Westenra .
"One Fine Day" performed by Hayley Westenra.
跨界-"Both Sides Now" performed by Hayley Westenra .

"Water Ballet" - Peter Kater Recreated.
"Eclipse"- Dominic Miller,Guitar.
Hot Rock Guitar-"Alex Gache"- by Coco Montoya.
Keyboard -"Never meant to belong"- by Shiro Sagisu.

" Close to You " from " In A Dream " by Peter Kater and Dominic Miller.
" Time Will Tell " from " In A Dream " by Peter Kater and Dominic Miller,Guitarist.
" Quiétude " by Peter Kater and R Carlos Nakai.
" Turquoise World " by R Carlos Nakai,木笛演奏家.

向古人致敬" Homage to The Ancient Ones, R Carlos Nakai " 木笛演奏家.
夢幻峽谷"Canyon Reverie" by R Carlos Nakai,北美印地安木笛演奏家.
" Grace "- Peter Kater
"Amazing grace" - Yanni, piano.
"Heaven and Earth Spirits"- Yanni, piano.

"The Prince Of Tides".
"Give Me A Smile" by John Barry.- The movie" The Prince Of Tides" Tribute
"I Will Love You" by Fisher - The movie" Patch Adams" Tribute
"Patch Adams" by Marc Shaiman.
"Time To Say Goodbye" by Lorie Line, Piano.
"Prelude No 3. for Clavier" by Dominic Miller & Chris Botti
"Emmanuel" by Chris Botti.
"Gabriel's Oboe"- Chris Botti, Trumpet小號. Ennio Morricone from The Mission.
"Gabriel's Oboe" by Mauro Di Domenico,Guitar.Music: The Mission by Ennio Morricone.

濃情柔舞-Lieske & Yannick - Tangorrion - Vals d'Amélie
冰上芭蕾 "Gabriel's Oboe" by Sasha Cohen.
冰上芭蕾 "This Land" by Sasha Cohen. 1.
冰上芭蕾 "Moonlight Sonata" by Sasha Cohen. 2.
冰上芭蕾 "2008 Golden Skate Award" by Sasha Cohen. A.
冰上芭蕾 "Stars on Ice 2008 without skates" by Sasha Cohen. X.
冰刀熱舞"Stars on Ice 2009 - Please don't stop the music" by Sasha Cohen. X.
冰上芭蕾"The Chairman's Waltz" by Sasha Cohen.
"The Chairman's Waltz-Memoirs of a Geisha" by John Williams

藝伎回憶錄 "Becoming a Geisha-Memoirs of a Geisha" Composed by John Williams.
藝伎回憶錄"Sayuri's Theme Full-Memoirs of a Geisha" Composed by John Williams.
藝伎回憶錄-"Ending-Memoirs of a Geisha" Composed by John Williams.
藝伎回憶錄-"Brush on Silk-Memoirs of a Geisha" Composed by John Williams.
藝伎回憶錄-"As the Water-Memoirs of a Geisha" Composed by John Williams.
藝伎回憶錄-"Snow Dance-Memoirs of a Geisha" Composed by John Williams.
簡愛-"The Jane Eyre Suite" Composed by John Williams.

電影配樂大師的饗宴-"One of My Top Ten Movie Scores" Composer List on Screen.
科幻電影大師的饗宴-"One of My Top 25 Movie Scores" - 配樂大師的氣氛營造