< 音樂詩篇-"A heart in New York "- Art Garfunkel (HD).
非媒體-香蕉日報Poetry非媒體-香蕉日報-作曲家典範錄Composer List非媒體-香蕉日報-鋼琴演奏家典範錄Pianist List非媒體-香蕉日報-魂攝小提琴演奏家典範錄Violinist List非媒體-香蕉日報-聆聽細琢中提琴演奏家Violist非媒體-香蕉日報-鍾情大提琴演奏家非媒體-香蕉日報-空靈單簧管演奏家Clarinetist奏鳴曲式Sonata Form-跳閱指南針甕底的手札-跳閱指南針曲目Playlist-跳閱指南針

[作曲家年表].女性作曲家-曲目有找 、Classical Music Most Popular Top 100!

非媒體-香蕉日報Composer.多重協奏曲.Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) Austrian composer, 交響曲之父.Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 -1791).Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804 – 1857)
...Clara Schumann (1810 – 1856)
..小提琴演奏家Gil Shaham.
Nationalism Symphonic Poem.浪漫樂派作曲家Richard Wagner德國(1813-1883)歌劇史上舉足輕重的人物...
.Stravinsky (1882 – 1971).Rachmaninov(1873-1943).Johann Strauss I (1804 -1849), Richard Strauss II 奧地利(1825-1899), Josef Strauss (1827 – 1870), Richard Georg Strauss (1864 – 1949).
.Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704)..Antonin Dvořák 捷克(1841-1904).作曲家Hector Louis Berlioz法(1803-1869)啟迪德國浪漫樂派Wagner與Liszt
Franz Liszt匈牙利鋼琴演奏家(1811-1886)交響詩曲式的創造者, 浪漫樂派。.作曲家Handel - Georg Frideric Handel (1685-1759).作曲家Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) 《現代音樂之父》之《復格藝術》.Oboe Family木管樂器-單簧管Standard Clarinet, Basset Clarinet, Buffet Tosca.Alessandro Marcello (1684-1750)was an Italian nobleman and dilettante.
Benedetto Marcello (1686-1739) Italian composer and writer..Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni, 1671-1751) 巴洛克時期威尼斯作曲家..Francesco Durante (1684 -1755) was an Italian composer.Artist : Painter
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)義大利巴洛克作曲家,小提琴演奏家。.Countertenor最高男聲,全部以頭聲區發聲,彷彿聆聽女高音。..Benedetto Ferrari (1603 – 1681) was an Italian composer, particularly of opera, librettist and theorbo player. Ferrari was born in Reggio nell'Emilia..Camille Saint-Saens法國(1835-1921)
匈牙利籍鋼琴家Cziffra (1921-1994)- was a Hungarian virtuoso pianist. He became a French citizen in 1968. 在20世紀將李斯特音樂重新帶入演奏廳的九歲神童,因為納粹而中斷了演奏生涯1947年獲釋後重新 ....Franz Liszt匈牙利鋼琴演奏家(1811-1886)交響詩曲式的創造者, 浪漫樂派。.作曲家 Johann Ludwig Krebs (1713 - 1780).François Couperin (1668-1733) French Baroque composer& Harpsichordist 大鍵琴家.Celtic Music - Celtic 最廣受世人喜愛的音樂,靜謐溫柔,奔放熱情,樂風多采豐富,每每登上世界音樂榜、跨界榜、新世紀音樂榜,甚至流行金榜。 ...
.(Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre,1665~1729)巴洛克時期法國的女性作曲家.Giora Feidman (1936) is an Argentinian-Jewish clarinetist who specializes in klezmer music..A ballad is a form of verse, often a narrative set to music. Ballad were particularly characteristic of British and Irish popular poetry and song from the later ...
.The Black Crook (1866), considered by some historians to be the first Musical. Musical theatre is a form of theatre combining songs, spoken dialogue and dance.
George Dyson (1883 - 1964) was a well-known English musician and composer..Hayley Dee Westenra (1987) is a New Zealand soprano, classical crossover artist, songwriter and UNICEF Ambassador.Sarah Brightman (1960) is an English classical crossover soprano, actress, songwriter and dancer..Andrea Bocelli is an Italian tenor, multi-instrumentalist and classical crossover artist. Born with poor eyesight..Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948) was born in Kensington, London, a composer.
Composer : Ennio Morricone (1928) is an Italian composer and conductor..小提琴演奏家Itzhak Perlman.大提琴演奏家 MaYoYo (born October 7, 1955) is a French-born American cellist, virtuoso, orchestral composer of Chinese descent, and winner of multiple Grammy Awards.Tan Dun 譚盾- 臥虎藏龍協奏曲Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.Jazz Trumpeter, Chris Botti
Sting的專用吉他手Dominic Miller (1960) is an Argentine-English guitarist who toured and recorded with World Party and King Swamp, worked on Phil Collins' solo....Francesco Antonio Rosetti (1750-1792), born Anton Rösler, changed to Italianate form by 1773) was a classical era composer and double bass player..作曲家 Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762).Johann Georg Benda (1713-1752), Georg Anton Benda (1722-1795)..Josef Barta (1744-1787).
歌劇作曲家Georges Bizet法(1838-1875) was a French composer and pianist.Harp - Claude Debussy (1862-1918)- Nationalism Symphonic Poem 印象樂派.歌劇作曲家 Giuseppe Verdi 意大利(1813-1901).Musicals音樂劇、一種戲劇表演方式.又稱為歌舞劇.Aria-詠歎調-是一個或多個聲部的歌曲,如今專指獨唱曲。
Mezzo-Soprano-女中音.Katherine Jenkins (born 29 June 1980) is a Welsh mezzo-soprano, a classical-popular crossover singer, across a spectrum of operatic arias..跨界小提琴演奏家David Garrett - (born as David Bongartz on 1980) is a record breaking German/American classical violinist and recording artist..Piano - Claude Debussy (1862-1918)- Nationalism Symphonic Poem 印象樂派.流行音樂之王 POP King - The Great Michael Jackson. 最大轉捩點1995MTV高峰秀
練習新音樂就像走迷宮,手上沒有地圖,得花較長時間,陪著曲子成長,給予它生命。從作曲家Luciano Berio (1925‐2003 義大利), Gyorgy Ligeti(1923‐2006 匈牙利), Gyorgy Kurtag(*1926 匈牙利)及Marco Stroppa (*1959 義大利) 的作品。 看到捕捉人性的深刻情感, 以及對音樂嚴肅與認真的態度。最重要的是無窮的想像力及創造力, 最美的作品, 自然能和人達到協調。在制度化功利現實主義中,依然保持對音樂純真的執著。...
Composition: "A heart in New York " 
Performer: Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel




2011-02-20 ~ 2011-09-17 PM 17:53.
音樂詩篇-"A heart in New York "- Art Garfunkel (HD).
音樂詩篇-"Bridge Over Troubled Water"- Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel (Original Version).
音樂詩篇-"My Little Town"- Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel
音樂詩篇-" What A Wonderful World"- Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel, James Taylor
音樂詩篇-"You Are The Best Part of Me"- Neil Diamond
音樂詩篇-"Play Me"- Neil Diamond
音樂詩篇-"Original Cello Music"- Adam Hurst
音樂詩篇-"Seduction"- Adam Hurst
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (1678-1741)Sinfonia in A major"-strings, basso continuo
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (1678-1741) Concerto #2 Gm Op.8, Le quattro stagioni"
音樂詩篇-"J.S Bach (1685-1750) Violin concert D - BWV 1052"
音樂詩篇-"J.S Bach (1685-1750) Concert in E-major for oboe - BWV 1053"
音樂詩篇-"Lieder ohne Worte, für violine und klavier"-Heinz Holliger (Contomporary)
音樂詩篇-"Alessandro Marcello's Concierto para oboe"- Heinz Holliger
音樂詩篇-"Michael Jackson's Funny Moment"
音樂詩篇-"Michael Jackson's Because You Loved Me"- Celine Dion
音樂詩篇-"You are my life"- Michael Jackson
音樂詩篇-"Smile"- Michael Jackson
音樂詩篇-"Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918): La plus que lente, valse (1910) piano solo".
音樂詩篇-"Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918): Ballade (1890) piano solo".
音樂詩篇-"Lalo Schifrin's Mission Impossible"- David Garrett & Rock Symphonies
音樂詩篇-"Vittorio Monti 's Csárdás (Gypsy Dance)"- David Garrett
音樂詩篇-"Georges Bizet 法(1838-1875) Carmen Fantaisie Op 25 "- David Garrett
音樂詩篇-"Angel"- Katherine Jenkins, Mezzo (Accompanist : Classical String Orchestra)
音樂詩篇-"Angel"- Katherine Jenkins, Mezzo Soprano (Accompanist : Synthesiser)
音樂詩篇-"Autumn Leaves"- Halie Loren, Mezzo Soprano.
音樂詩篇-"Ennio Morricone's Nella Fantasia"- Katherine Jenkins, Mezzo Soprano.
音樂詩篇-"Angel"- Sarah McLachlans, Mezzo Soprano
音樂詩篇-" I will remember you"- Sarah McLachlans, Mezzo Soprano
音樂詩篇-"Vide Cor Meum - Hannibal"- Katherine Jenkins, Mezzo Soprano
音樂詩篇-"Adagio"- Katherine Jenkins, Mezzo Soprano
音樂詩篇-"Song of the moon" from "Dvorak's Rusalka"- Katherine Jenkins, Mezzo version"
音樂詩篇-"Verdi (1813-1901)- Nabucco: Va pensiero ( Sacred Arias 詠嘆調)"
音樂詩篇-"AIDA" The Fantastic Mmusical of Elton John & Tim Rice called,(German)
音樂詩篇-"Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)- Aida. Act ii Triumphal March"-Rearranged
音樂詩篇-"Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918): Clair de lune "- Thomas Labé, Piano
音樂詩篇-"Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918): Rêverie (1890) piano solo"-新版
音樂詩篇-"Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918): Rêverie (1890) piano solo".
音樂詩篇-"Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918): Nocturne (1892) piano solo"
音樂詩篇-"Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)-Cello Concerto nº1"- Anner Bylsma
音樂詩篇-"J.S Bach (1685-1750)- Cello Suite Nº6 in D major"- Anner Bylsma
音樂詩篇-"Franz Benda (1709-1786)- Flute Concerto in E minor".
音樂詩篇-"Georg Anton Benda (1722-1795): Sinfonia No.7 in D Major"
音樂詩篇-"Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)- Chaconne "- Josef Suk, Violin.
音樂詩篇-"Robert Alexander Schumann (1810-1856)德- Romance"- Josef Suk, Violin
音樂詩篇-"Josef Barta (1744-1787) : Sinfonia in F Minor "
音樂詩篇-"Josef Barta (1744-1787) : Sinfonia in C Minor"
音樂詩篇-"Johann Georg Benda (1713-1752): Violin Concerto in G Major"
音樂詩篇-"Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762) Concerto Grosso in C Op.2-2"
音樂詩篇-"Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762) Sonata No.2 in Dm Violoncello and Basso"
音樂詩篇-"Francesco Antonio Rosetti (1750-1792) Salve Regina in A Major"
音樂詩篇-"Francesco Antonio Rosetti (1750-1792) Concerto 2 Horns in E Major"
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Rosetti (1750-1792) Clarinet Concerto No.1 in E flat major"
音樂詩篇-"Mozart (1756 -1791)- Piano Sonata No.18 in D major KV 576"
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Rosetti (1750 - 1792)- Harp Sonata {Nicanor Zabaleta}"
音樂詩篇-"Unify "- Dominic Miller, Guitar (Classical Crossover Jazz).
音樂詩篇-"Emmanuel"- Lucia Micarelli, Chris Botti (Classical Crossover Jazz).
音樂詩篇-"Time to Say Goodbye"- Chris Botti, ( Jazz Trumpet )
音樂詩篇-"Smile"- Chris Botti, Steven Tyler (Jazz).
音樂詩篇-"I've Got You Under my Skin"- Chris Botti, Kathrine McPhee (Jazz)
音樂詩篇-"Fragile"- Chris Botti, Sting, Yo-yo Ma, Dominic Miller
音樂詩篇-"Tan Dun's 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' "-Tan Dun, YoYo Ma
音樂詩篇-"Tan Dun's 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' "- CoCo Lee, Singer
音樂詩篇-"Tan Dun - For The World"- Yo-Yo Ma
音樂詩篇-"Ennio Morricone's Dinner/Nocturne"- Yo-Yo Ma
音樂詩篇-"John Williams's Scores 'Memoirs of a Geisha' "- Itzhak Perlman, Yo-Yo Ma
音樂詩篇-"Itzhak Perlman plays a tango by Carlos Gardel"
音樂詩篇-"Schindler's List Theme by Itzhak Perlman in Chile"
音樂詩篇-"La Pasion"-Sarah Brightman and Fernando Lima.
音樂詩篇-"Ennio Morricone's The Legend Of 1900 Duel Scene"-海上鋼琴師頂尖對決
音樂詩篇-"Ennio Morricone's The Crisis -Theme From The legend of 1900"
音樂詩篇-"Storia D'Amore"- Sarah Brightman
音樂詩篇-"Bianco Natale ( White Christmas )"- Andrea Bocelli, Flute and Tenor
音樂詩篇-"Sarah Brightman- Symphony, Live in Vienna 2008."
音樂詩篇-"Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom Of The Opera in Vienna"- Sarah Brightman
音樂詩篇-"Ennio Morricone (1928) Nella Fantasia (One Night in Eden)"- Sarah Brightman
音樂詩篇-"Silent Night "- Hayley Westenra, Soprano
音樂詩篇-"George Dyson (1883 - 1964)- Hierusalem"- Valery Hill, soprano.
音樂詩篇-"George Dyson (1883 - 1964)- Veni, Emmanuel for String Orchestra"
音樂詩篇-"George Dyson (1883 - 1964)- Concerto 'leggiero' for piano and strings"
音樂詩篇-"Jerry Bock's - Sunrise, Sunset"- Perry Como (From Musicals)
音樂詩篇-"Jerry Bock's - Sunrise, Sunset"- Giora Feidman, clarinet
音樂詩篇-"Fiddler - Yiddish Song"- Misha Marmar
音樂詩篇-"Main Tatnz Klarinet- My Yiddishe Tate Clarinet"- Yaakov Shapiro
音樂詩篇-"Giora Feidman (1936): Yiddisch Mazurka"- Saxophone
音樂詩篇-"Giora Feidman: Let's be happy"- Martin Fröst and VFCO
音樂詩篇-"Giora Feidman: The Klezmer's Freilach"- Clarinet
音樂詩篇-"Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre(1665-1729) Le Sommeil d'Ulisse"
音樂詩篇-"Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre(1665-1729) 'Sonata 1'"
音樂詩篇-"Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762) Concerto grosso n.12 in D minor - La follia"
音樂詩篇-"Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762) - Violin Sonata II, Op.5"
音樂詩篇-"Celtic Music - Silent Night"- Celtic Woman
音樂詩篇-"Celtic Music - You raise me up"- Celtic Woman
音樂詩篇-"Celtic Music - Cliffs of Moher"- Adrian von Ziegler
音樂詩篇-"Celtic Music - Gaelic Earth"- Adrian von Ziegler
音樂詩篇-"François Couperin (1668-1733) 14th concert, les Goûts Réunis"- Daniel Cuiller
音樂詩篇-"François Couperin (1668-1733): Quatrième Concert "- Jed Wentz, Flutist
音樂詩篇-"François Couperin (1668-1733): Concerts Royaux - Premier Concert"
音樂詩篇-"Ascanio Trombetti (1544-1590): Diligam te Domine [a6] "
音樂詩篇-"Johann Ludwig Krebs (1713-1780)- Fantasia in F-moll"
音樂詩篇-"Johann Ludwig Krebs (1713-1780)-Concerto in A minor for two harpsichords"
音樂詩篇-"Liszt (1811-1886) 'La Leggierezza' S144"- Evgeny Kissin, Piano
音樂詩篇-"Liszt (1811-1886) Transcendental Etude No.5, Feux Follets"- Berezovsky
音樂詩篇-"Liszt (1811-1886) Transcendental Etude No.10 in F minor"- Cziffra, Piano
音樂詩篇-"Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)- Plays Saint-Saens Rhapsodie D'Auvergne"
音樂詩篇-"Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)- Carnival of the Animals: Aquarium
音樂詩篇-"Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)- The Swan from Carnaval des animaux"
音樂詩篇-"Benedetto Ferrari (1603-1681)- Amanti, io vi so dire"
音樂詩篇-"Benedetto Ferrari (1603-1681)- Ruggiero -Ciaconna"-William Dongois,Cornet
音樂詩篇-"Evangelia"- George Skaroulis, Piano
音樂詩篇-"Handel (1685-1759)- Io t'abbraccio"- Philippe Jaroussky, Nuria Rial
音樂詩篇-"Handel (1685-1759)- Son nata a lagrimar, Giulio Cesare"- Jaroussky, Lemieux
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)義- La Stravaganza, Concerto No.1 RV. 383a"
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)義 - La Stravaganza, Concerto No.2 RV.279"
音樂詩篇-" Tomaso Albinoni (1671-1751)- Flute concerto in G "- Jed Wentz, Flute
音樂詩篇-"Tomaso Albinoni (1671-1751)- Sinfonia for two oboes in G major"
音樂詩篇-"Farewell"- Yiruma, Piano
音樂詩篇-"Lully: Amadis"- Véronique Gens, soprano.
音樂詩篇-"William Bouguereau (1825-1905) "- French Academic Painter
音樂詩篇-"Francesco Durante (1684-1755)- Concerto a Cinque in G Minor".
音樂詩篇-"Francesco Durante (1684-1755)- Concerto No.1"
音樂詩篇-"Tomaso Albinoni (1671-1751)- Concert for oboe Op.9 No.2 in D minor"
音樂詩篇-"Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni (1671-1751) - Concerto op.9 No. 1 in B flat"
音樂詩篇-"Benedetto Marcello (1686-1739) - Salmo 3 in G "O Dio Perché"".
音樂詩篇-"Alessandro Marcello (1684-1750)- La Lontananza"- Duet
音樂詩篇-"Benedetto Marcello (1686-1739) Sonate No.1 F-Major"-PAVEL VÍTEK
音樂詩篇-"Ross Edwards ( 1943 )- Oboe Concerto No. 1"-(Oboe Family : Clarinet )
音樂詩篇-"J.S.Bach (1685-1750) Cantata BWV 84" - Dorothee Mields, Soprano
音樂詩篇-"J.S.Bach (1685-1750) How lovely shines the morning star BWV 1"-Coro
音樂詩篇-"Handel (1685-1759)Music for the Royal Firework"-David Robertson
音樂詩篇-"Mozart (1756 -1791)- Fugue in C Minor for Two Piano"-A studio copy
音樂詩篇-"Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) Three Lyric Pieces ''Kyllikki'' Op. 41"- Glenn Gould
音樂詩篇-"Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) Op 5 Impromptu No 1 Moderato "- Kristiina Junttu
音樂詩篇-"Shostakovich (1906-1975) Polka string quartet Op.11"- Apollon Musagete
音樂詩篇-"Rachmaninov(1873-1943) Trio Elegiaque No.1 in G minor"- Jean-Pierre Loisil
音樂詩篇-"Liszt la Leggierezza "- Evgeny Kissin
音樂詩篇-"Raul Mannola & Raoul Björkenheim Flamenco rock jazz Project".
音樂詩篇-"Haydn (1732-1809): Quartet in B flat major op.76 No.4"- Quatour Modigliani
音樂詩篇-"Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809): Quatuor nº 5 (II)"-Quatour Mosaïques
音樂詩篇-"Franz Schubert(1797-1828)-Quartet Death & the Maiden"-Quatour Mosaïques
音樂詩篇-"Mozart (1756-1791)- String-Quartet k421"- Quatour Mosaïques
音樂詩篇-"Hector Louis Berlioz(1803-1869)法-Symphonie Fantastique"- Andrew Manze
音樂詩篇-"Hector Louis Berlioz(1803-1869)法-Symphonie Fantastique"- Simon Rattle
音樂詩篇-"Jean Sibelius (1865-1957)芬蘭- Impromptu Op.5, No.5 in B"- Kristiina Junttu
音樂詩篇-"Jean Sibelius (1865-1957)芬蘭- Etude op. 76 no. 2"- arr. Börje Sandquist
音樂詩篇-"Antonin Dvořák (1841-1904)- Humoresque, No.7 in G flat major"- Vengerov
音樂詩篇-"Antonin Dvořák (1841-1904)捷克-Cello Concerto"- Alan Gilbert, conductor
音樂詩篇-"Bela Bartok (1881-1945)- Viola Concerto"- Semyon Bychkov, conductor
音樂詩篇-"Jean Sibelius (1865-1957)芬蘭- Symphony No. 7"- Simon Rattle, conductor
音樂詩篇-"Jean Sibelius (1865-1957)芬蘭- Kullervo Op.7"- Osmo Vänskä
音樂詩篇-"Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704) Messe Et Motets Pour La Vierge"
音樂詩篇-"Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704) Leçons de Ténèbres".
音樂詩篇-"Couperin (1668-1733)Troisième Leçon de Ténèbres pour le Mercredi Saint "
音樂詩篇-"Couperin (1668-1733) Concert for Cello and Piano"-Amit Peled & Eliza Ching
音樂詩篇-"Richard Strauss(1864-1949) Also Sprach Zarathustra"-Pappano, Santa Cecilia
音樂詩篇-"Richard Strauss (1864-1949) Op.35 - Death of Don Quixote"- YoYo Ma 4:20
音樂詩篇-"Richard Strauss (1864-1949): Death of Don Quixote, Finale"-Yo Yo Ma
音樂詩篇-"Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924)Théophile Gautier- Tristesse"-Jan Van der Crabben
音樂詩篇-"Rachmaninov(1873-1943) symphony #2 for piano &Orchestra"- Warrenberg
音樂詩篇-"Rachmaninov(1873-1943) Piano Concerto No.5 in E minor"-Theodore Kuchar
音樂詩篇-"Rachmaninov(1873-1943) Symphony No2 Op.27"-Eivind Gullberg Jensen
音樂詩篇-"Rachmaninov(1873-1943)-Symphony No2 in E Minor Op.27"-Tadaaki Otaka
音樂詩篇-"Stravinsky (1882 – 1971): Apollon musagète (Apollo) "- Simon Rattle
音樂詩篇-"Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975): Symphony No. 5"-Yutaka Sado
音樂詩篇-"Niccoló Paganini (1782-1840) Violin Sonata No 6".
音樂詩篇-"Paganini (1782-1840) God save the King"-Frank Peter Zimmermann
音樂詩篇-"Paganini (1782-1840) Carnival of Venice"-Vadim Repin and Nikolai Lugansky
音樂詩篇-"In My Secret Life"- Leonard Cohen
音樂詩篇-"Hallelujah"- Leonard Cohen
音樂詩篇-"Richard Wagner德國(1813-1883)-Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg"- Karajan
音樂詩篇-"Jean Sibelius芬蘭(1865-1957)-Violinkonzert d-moll op.47"- Maxim Vengerov
音樂詩篇-"Maxim Vengerov - Sonata y Balada Nº3 de Ysaye "- (fragmento).
音樂詩篇-"Igudesman and Joo's Where is the Remote Control?"- Gidon Kremer
音樂詩篇-"Pablo Sarasate (1844–1908): Zapateado"- Esther Kim
音樂詩篇-"Pablo Sarasate (1844–1908) : Fantaisie Carmen"- Gil Shaham
音樂詩篇-"Pablo Sarasate (1844–1908)- Carmen Fantasy"- Derek Gleeson
音樂詩篇-"Pablo Sarasate (1844–1908)- Zapateado"- Gil Shaham
音樂詩篇-"Richard Strauss (1864-1949) - Also Sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30"- Georg Solti
音樂詩篇-"Johann Strauss II (1825-1899) Beautiful Blue Danube Op. 314"- Live Vienna
音樂詩篇-"Josef Strauss (1827 – 1870) Feuerfest - La fiesta del fuego"- Willi Boskovsky
音樂詩篇-"Johann Strauss I (1804 -1849) Radetzky March Op. 228"- Live Vienna
音樂詩篇-"Rovel's Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade"- Valery Gergiev
音樂詩篇-"Robert Alexander Schumann (1810-1856)- Piano Concerto"- Martha Argerich
音樂詩篇-"My Foolish Heart"- Chet Baker, (Vocal)
音樂詩篇-"When Lights Are Low"- Chet Baker, Jazz Trumpet
音樂詩篇-"Doctor 3 - Close to you"- Danilo Rea, Jazz Piano
音樂詩篇-"Vivaldi (1678-1741)- Cello Sonata No.8 in A minor, RV44"- Mike Fentross
音樂詩篇-"Vivaldi (1678-1741)- Cello Sonata No.8 in A minor, RV44"- Jaap ter Linden
音樂詩篇-"Vivaldi (1678-1741)- Cello Sonata no.3, a-moll"- Enrico Mainardi
音樂詩篇-"Georg Frideric Handel (1685-1759)- Alcina"- Patricia Petibon
音樂詩篇-"Vivaldi (1678-1741)- Sonata per violino Op.2, No.7 in do minore RV 8"
音樂詩篇-"Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)- Sonata per violino e violoncello".
音樂詩篇-"Georg Frideric Handel (1685-1759)- Passacaglia"- Perlman e Zukerman
音樂詩篇-"Smetana (1824-1884) String Quartet No.1 in E Minor"- Moyzes Quartet.
音樂詩篇-"Brahms (1833-1897) String Quartet No. 3 in B flat Major"- Quartetto Italiano.
音樂詩篇-"Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)- String Quartet No.2, Op.22"- Borodin Quartet.
音樂詩篇-"Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)- String Quartet No.3, Op.30 "- Borodin Quartet.
音樂詩篇-"Glinka's Nocturne in E flat major "- Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804 –1857).
音樂詩篇-"Glinka (1804-1857) Sonata of Viola and Piano 2, Larghetto Ma Non Troppo"
音樂詩篇-"Glinka (1804-1857) Viola Sonata in d minor"- Yuri Bashmet
音樂詩篇-"Bruch (1838-1920) Violin Concerto #2 "- Ann Fontanella.
音樂詩篇-"Bruch (1838-1920) Concerto in E minor, Op.88"- Tretyakov, Bashmet.
音樂詩篇-"Stravinsky (1882 – 1971)- Canção Russa "- Yuri Bashmet (Viola de Arco)
音樂詩篇-"Stravinsky (1882 – 1971)- Firebird"- Boulez Chicago Symphony Orchestra
音樂詩篇-"Debussy (1862-1918)- La Mer"-Barenboim Chicago Symphony Orchestra
音樂詩篇-"Debussy (1862-1918)- cello sonata"-Miklós Perényi and András Schiff
音樂詩篇-"W.A. Mozart (1756-1791)-Bassoon Concerto in B Flat KV191".
音樂詩篇-"W.A. Mozart (1756-1791)-Oboe Concerto in C major K314"-John Anderson
音樂詩篇-"W. A. Mozart (1756-1791)- Violin Sonata in E Minor K304".
音樂詩篇-"W. A. Mozart (1756-1791)- Flute quartet KV 298 ".
音樂詩篇-"W. A. Mozart (1756-1791)- Flute quartet KV 298 "- Kuijken quartet
音樂詩篇-"Mozart Männer suchen stets zu naschen KV 433"- Barbara Bonney, Soprano.
音樂詩篇-"Mozart Concert Aria "- Eda-Pier, Soprano.
音樂詩篇-" 天空之城交響樂版"- 久石讓.
音樂詩篇-"送行之人-禮儀師之奏鳴曲"- 久石讓.
音樂詩篇-"Claude Debussy (1862-1918)- Maid with the Flaxen Hair"- Richard Stoltzman.
音樂詩篇-"Franz Schubert (1797-1828)- Trout quintet"-鱒魚五重奏
音樂詩篇-"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 -1791) Clarinet quintet"- András Novák.
音樂詩篇-"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756) String Quintet No.6 in E-flat major, K.614".
音樂詩篇-"Bach - Triple Concerto in A Minor BWV1044"-Rinaldo Alessandrini.
音樂詩篇-"Time for Taiwan - My Beautiful Island".
音樂詩篇-"Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713)- Concerto grosso in F major Op.6 nº2".
音樂詩篇-"Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713)- Concerto grosso in B flat major Op.6 nº1".
音樂詩篇-"Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713)- Concerto grosso in B flat major Op.6 nº1".
音樂詩篇-"Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713)- Concerto grosso in B flat major Op.6 nº5".
音樂詩篇-"Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713)- Concerto grosso in Re maggiore Op.6 nº4".
音樂詩篇-"Mozart (1756-1791)- Fantasia in c minor, K.475" Piano: Zoltan Kocsis
音樂詩篇-"Gravity : From Wolf's Rain Ending "
音樂詩篇-"Luigi Rodolfo Boccherini (1743-1805) String Quintet Op.30 No.6 G.324"
音樂詩篇-"Luigi Rodolfo Boccherini (1743-1805) String Quintet Op.11 No.6"
音樂詩篇-"Luigi Rodolfo Boccherini (1743-1805) String Quintet in E Major, Op.11 No.5"
音樂詩篇-"Luigi Rodolfo Boccherini (1743-1805) Cello Concerto No.6 in D major G.479"
音樂詩篇-"Pescetti Giovanni Battista (1704-1766)- Sonata I in Mi maggiore"
音樂詩篇-"José de Nebra (1702-1768) Miserere"- Eduardo López Banzo, conductor.
音樂詩篇-"Lorenzo Gaetano Zavateri (1690-1764) - Concerto n.4 op.1 in do minore". .
音樂詩篇-"Domenico Zipoli (1688-1726) - Messa di Sant'Ignazio"- Ensemble Elyma.
音樂詩篇-"Roque Ceruti (c.1683-1760) - Magnificat"- Renacentista 文藝復興.
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (1678-1741) Concerto for Cello in C Minor, RV 401"
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (1678-1741) Concerto for 2 Cellos in G Minor RV 531"
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (1678-1741) Concerto in Re min RV 540"
音樂詩篇-"Robert de Visée (1655-1732)-Suite in D major"- Lute
音樂詩篇-"Robert de Visée (1655-1732)-Suite en la menor para tiorba y traverso
音樂詩篇-"Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713)- Sonate per Violino Op.5 No.1 ~ 12"..
音樂詩篇-"Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713) - Sonata No.1 op. 5 in re maggiore"..
音樂詩篇-"Juan de Araujo (1648-1712) - Alarma valientes "- Ensemble Elyma.
音樂詩篇-"Marc-Antoine Charpentier's "Andromède" H.504"-Charles Medlam,direttore
音樂詩篇-"Marc-Antoine Charpentier's Concert pour 4 parties de violes H545"-W.Christie
音樂詩篇-"Marc-Antoine Charpentier - Te Deum in D major, H 146"-Marc Minkowski..
音樂詩篇-"Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704) - Te Deum H.146"-William Christie..
音樂詩篇-"Marc-Antoine Charpentier(1643 – 1704)- Te Deum: Prelude"-William Christie..
音樂詩篇-"Gaspar Sanz (1640-1710) - Granduque & Canarios".
音樂詩篇-"Gaspar Sanz (1640-1710) - Xácara".
音樂詩篇-"Gaspar Sanz (1640-1710) - Gallarda y villano"- Suite Española
音樂詩篇-"Gaspar Sanz (1640-1710) -Spanish Baroque music"-Pavan and Canarios, Lute
音樂詩篇-"Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707) - Sonata no.5 Op.1 in C major BuxWV 256"
音樂詩篇-"Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707) - Sonata 3 op.1 in la minore BuxWV 254"
音樂詩篇-"Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707) - Sonata 2 op.1 in sol maggiore BuxWV 253"
音樂詩篇-"Agostino Steffani (1654-1728)-Crudo amor, morir mi sento"-Rossana Bertini
音樂詩篇-"Agostino Steffani (1654-1728) - Stabat Mater"-
音樂詩篇-"Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707) - Sonata in F major for 4 violas"-
音樂詩篇-"Dieterich Buxtehude (1637-1707) - Sonata IV Op.1 in B flat BuxWV 255"-
音樂詩篇-"Gustaf Düben (1628-1690) - Two dances"- Camerata Lutetiensis
音樂詩篇-"Pietro Antonio Cesti (1623-1669) - Lacrime mie"- Judith Nelson, Soprano
音樂詩篇-"Marco Marazzoli (1619-1662) Sopra La Rosa"- Arianna Savall, Soprano
音樂詩篇-"Marco Marazzoli (1619-1662)- Ogni nostro piacer"- Ensemble Tragicomedia
音樂詩篇-"Maurizio Cazzati (1616-1678) -Psalmus, Confitebor tibi Domine".
音樂詩篇-"Maurizio Cazzati (1616-1678) -Alma Redemptoris Mater"-Ensemble Céladon..
音樂詩篇-"Maurizio Cazzati (1616-1678) - Invitatorio a 5, Regem cui omnia vivunt". .
音樂詩篇-"Giovanni Antonio Rigatti (1615-1649)- Regina coeli laetare"- Philippe Jaroussky
音樂詩篇-"João Lourenço Rebelo (1610-1665)- Lauda Jerusalem"- Choir
音樂-"Giacomo Carissimi(1605-1674)-Diluvium Universale"-Ensemble Seicentonovecento
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Bertali (1605-1669) Prothimia Suavissima"-
音樂詩篇-"Benedetto Ferrari (1603-1681) - Queste pungenti spine"- (Cantata Spirituale).
音樂詩篇-"Michel Mazuel (1603-1676) - Suite in sol maggiore"- Jordi Savall
音樂詩篇-"Francesco Cavalli (1602-1676) - Psalm 147, Lauda Jerusalem"- Choir
音樂詩篇-"Giovanni Rovetta (1596-1668) - Lauda Jerusalem"- Choir
音樂詩篇-"Johannes Hieronymus Kapsberger (1580-1651)-Gi risi del mio mal"
音樂詩篇-"Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger(1580-1651)- In te la vita"- Soprano & Lute
音樂詩篇-"Kapsberger(1580-1651): Kapsberger"- Lute
音樂詩篇-"Ignazio Donati (1570-1638)- Salve Regina"- Ensemble Sacro & Profano.
音樂詩篇-"Ignazio Donati (1570-1638) - Beatus Vir"- Ensemble Sacro & Profano.
音樂詩篇-"Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) - Duo Seraphim"- (Cantata Spirituale) .
音樂詩篇-"Pomponio Nenna (1550-1613) - La mia doglia s'avanza"- Huelgas Ensemble
音樂詩篇-"Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548 - 1611) - O vos omnes"- Peter Phillips
音樂詩篇-"Joan Brudieu (1520 - 1591) - Madrigal V: "Las cañas""-Capella de Ministrers
音樂詩篇-"Juan del Encina(1468-1529): Paguen mis ojos, pues vieron".
音樂詩篇-"Juan del Encina(1468-1529): Hermitaño quiero ser". .
音樂詩篇-"Juan del Encina(1468-1529): Ay, Triste Que Vengo"-Director: Jordi Savall.
音樂詩篇-"Juan del Encina(1468-1529): Más vale trocar"-Director: Jordi Savall.
音樂詩篇-"Juan del Encina(1468-1529): Más vale trocar".
音樂詩篇-"Bruch's Violin Concerto No.1 in G Minor, Op. 26"- Adagio.(Simply Beautiful)
音樂詩篇-"Max Bruch's Violin Concerto No. 1" - Itzhak Perlman, violin
音樂詩篇-"Max Bruch's Violin Concerto No. 2" - Mischa Elman, violin
音樂詩篇-"Giovanni Antonio Rigatti's Dixit Dominus" - Gabrieli Consort Choir
音樂詩篇-"Handel - Belshazzar ( Finale ) " - Maureen Lehane
音樂詩篇-"Händel - La Resurrezione HWV47" - Ton Koopman
音樂詩篇-"Sabor a mí - Classical Guitars" - Ambient Music
音樂詩篇-"Sabor a mí - Magic Guitars" - the Twins Raúl and Ricardo de Luna
音樂詩篇-"Secreto de amor - Magic Guitars" - the Twins Raúl and Ricardo de Luna
音樂詩篇-"Granada - Magic Guitars" - the Twins Raúl and Ricardo de Luna
音樂詩篇-"Contigo aprendí"- Magic Guitars
音樂詩篇-"100 Años"- Magic Guitars
音樂詩篇-"Quien será"- Classical Guitar
音樂詩篇-"La paloma"- Classical Guitar
音樂詩篇-"Reloj...Magic Guitars"- the Twins and Raul Ricardo de Luna (Boleros)
音樂詩篇-"Ennio Morricone's Nuovo cinema paradiso suite"- Kaori Muraji 村治佳織
音樂詩篇-"Nostalgia"- Ennio Morricone
音樂詩篇-"Spanish composer Joseph LaCalle's Amapola "- Ennio Morricone
音樂詩篇-"Amapola "- Andrea Giuffredi trumpet
音樂詩篇-"Mozart:'s String Quintet in G minor, KV 516"- Janine Jansen
音樂詩篇-"Schumann's Piano Trio in G minor, op.110"- Barnatan, Rachlin &Thedéen
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Vivaldi's Concierto para flauta en do menor RV 441"- I MUSICI
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Vivaldi's Concerto for Flutes in C Minor RV441"
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Vivaldi's Concerto for 2 Flutes in C Major RV533"-異類
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Vivaldi's Concerto for Flute in G Minor RV439 La Notte"-自然寫實
音樂-"Antonio Vivaldi's Concerto for Flute in G Minor RV439 - La Notte"-幻境超寫實 .
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Vivaldi's Concerto for Flute in G Minor RV439 - La Notte"-異類 .
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Vivaldi's Concerto for Flute in G Minor RV439 - La Notte" .
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Vivaldi's Flute Concerto in D major, RV429".
音樂詩篇-"Antonio Vivaldi's Flute concerto in G major RV436".
音樂詩篇-"Liszt's Spanish Rhapsody"- Claudio Arrau.
音樂詩篇-"Liszt's Gnomenreigen"- Claudio Arrau.
音樂詩篇-"Pablo de Sarasate's Op. 25 - Carmen Fantasy"- David Roberts.
音樂詩篇-"Vivaldi's 'Concerto funebre' con molti istromenti in B flat major RV 579".
音樂詩篇-"Puccini's O mio babbino caro"- Dame Kiri Te Kanawa.
音樂詩篇-"Handel's Lascia chio Pianga From Rinaldo"- Dame Kiri Te Kanawa.
音樂詩篇-"Handel's Lascia chio Pianga From The Movie Farinelli"- Renee Fleming.
音樂詩篇-"Handel's Lascia chio Pianga From The Movie Farinelli"- Cecilia Bartoli .
音樂詩篇-"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -Act 4 Le nozze di Figaro (Met'99)" .
音樂詩篇-"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -Act 3 Le nozze di Figaro (Met'99)" .
音樂詩篇-"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -Act 2 Le nozze di Figaro (Met'99)" .
音樂詩篇-"Mozart -Act1 Le nozze di Figaro (Met'99)-Overture-duet" .
音樂詩篇-"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Les noces de Figaro K492 Ouverture"- .
音樂詩篇-"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony № 16, in C, KV 128"- .
音樂詩篇-"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - 17 in G major, KV 129"- .
音樂詩篇-"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony № 36 in C major KV 425 -Linzer". .
音樂詩篇-"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony № 33, in B-flat, KV 319"- .
音樂詩篇-"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony № 8, in D, KV 48"- .
音樂詩篇-"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony No 34 in C major, KV 338"- .
音樂詩篇-"Maurice Ravel's Jeux d'eau"- Martha Argerich.
音樂詩篇-"Masterclass Thibaudet: Nicolas van Poucke"- Maurice Ravel & Beethoven.
音樂詩篇-"Rachmaninoff Symphony no.2 op.27"- Conductor: Eivind Gullberg Jensen .
音樂詩篇-"Rachmaninoff piano concerto n.2,"-Interpreter : Richter .
音樂詩篇-"Rachmaninoff piano concerto n.2,"-Interpreter : Evgeny Igorevich Kissin .
音樂詩篇-"Chopin's Ballade No.1"-Interpreter : Evgeny Igorevich Kissin .
音樂詩篇-"Chopin's Ballade No.1"- Martha Argerich.
音樂詩篇-"Chopin's Ballade No.3"- Marc-André Hamelin.
音樂詩篇-"Liszt's Un sospiro"- Marc-André Hamelin.
音樂詩篇-"Liszt's Un sospiro"- Jorge Bolet .
音樂詩篇-"Liszt's Jeux d'eau a la villa d'Este"- Jorge Bolet .
音樂詩篇-"Liszt's Jeux d'eau a la villa d'Este"- Cziffra (Rec in 1957) .
音樂詩篇-"Liszt's Jeux d'eau a la villa d'Este"- Cziffra(Live 1959) .
音樂詩篇-"Liszt's Jeux d'eau a la villa d'Este"- Claudio Arrau .
音樂詩篇-"Brahms Piano Concerto no 2 "- Nelson Freire & Riccardo Chailly.
音樂詩篇-"Brahms Piano Concerto no 1 "- Nelson Freire & Riccardo Chailly.
音樂詩篇-"Ravel's La Valse "- Martha Argerich & Nelson Freire.
音樂詩篇-""Haydn Variations" of Brahms "- Martha Argerich & Nelson Freire.
音樂詩篇-"Bach's Double Violin Concerto in D Minor BWV 1043"- Keith J. Salmon.
音樂詩篇-"Bach's Double Violin Concerto"- Played by Rachel Podger & Andrew Manze.
音樂詩篇-"Mozart´s Sonata in C major, K. 545"- Played by Sviatoslav Richter.
音樂詩篇-"Mozart´s Klavier & Violin Sonata in C, Kv 28 "- Played by Rachel Podger.
音樂詩篇-"Mozart´s Fantasia in C Minor"- Played by Julia Froschhammer.
音樂詩篇-"Mozart´s Adagio in B minor KV 540"- Played by Vladimir Horowitz .
音樂詩篇-"Mozart´s Adagio in B minor KV 540"- Played by Mark Farago .
音樂詩篇-"Mozart´s organ works"- The Organ Played by Martin Haselböck